Tuesday 18 November 2008

Ouch, my ovaries

I'm aware that there probably will (or not) be a male reading this blog and no, I'm not sorry for what I am about to describe.
MY PERIOD sucks.

It can only be described as feeling like someone with fists, the size of shovels, ramming them into my vagina, grabbing my insides and endlessly trying to pull them out.
Not only that, but I wake up to feel my nose is fit to burst with snot. After cleaning my nose I find that the snot is actually green. Welcome To Jessica's body infection.
After feeling completely shitty pretty much all day, I get a lovely text from a friend telling me that his girlfriend is going ape shit at him for texting me.
Now, I know that I said (well I probably didn't say it but I though it) that I wouldn't use this blog site for my little rants but really, what else do I have to write about?! This was going to turn out this way, it's inevitable.
Anyway, after finding out whats going on, I get a phone call from no other than his girlfriend telling me that she's not angry at me, she just wants to find out whats going on. Yeah great, when I don't actually know myself. So, seeing as I don't know, she gets mouthy. (so much for not being angry) Not a good idea. But she had to go and say it, yep; "I'm a big deal mate, you don't know who I am. Add me on Myspace and you'll see who I fucking am I'm a big deal mate."
What a fag, clearly you aren't a big deal you fool.
After she'd got all of that off her chest I just told her I couldn't be bothered with her chatting shit because she was being completely childish and again, she started mouthing off so I put the phone down.
No phone call back.
Lets just hope she 'comes and finds me'

Anyway, after all that I'm well pleased again because I went out for an hour for a drive about and I did proper good... for me!

Oh, and now I've completely ran out of steam so fuck it, I'm just going to stop right here.